Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Nevi and M Proust's Madelenes

Nevik: Today I woke up and it was blowing snow and sleet and freezing rain and yuck! School was cancelled and we got to go to the movies instead. I chose Toupie and Binou. It started at 10h00 and we had to run to make the bus, but we got there before the movie started. I was so excited to go that I got myself dressed- snowpants, parka, boots and mitts. In the afternoon Maman and I made Madelenes - delicious on a snowy afternoon with blueberry tea!

Skye: The movie was a little boring. I liked crawling around on the floor and trying to pick up the lights in the floor. Being outside today was hard - it was so windy that it made it hard to breathe.

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