Sunday, March 16, 2008
Sunday, March 9, 2008

Nevik: When we woke up today there was so much snow! The storm yesterday dumped a LOT of snow. The backyard is so full, it almost touches the fence. So cool. I played in the snow for a while with some of the neighbor kids, and with Papa. Papa and I also went to the movies - it was the last day of the FIFEM, and we went to go see Les Trois Brigands. It's about 3 bad guys who become good Papas. It was very funny. I liked it a lot.
Skye: I have 2 front teeth coming in and they hurt. That is why I am so crabby. I wake up often at night and I want to chew on stuff. I will be glad when they are finally in. I went outside to see Papa shoveling the snow and I smiled at him. Doesn't he look like he is working up a sweat?
Saturday, March 8, 2008
Judo and the Retun of Winter

Nevik: Judo this morning - Ben was there. He is my favorite instructor. I received my gi today as well. Maman says that we will take a picture next week and post it. We were only 3 students today (wimping out because of the weather?) so Ben made all the papas do the class too. It was so funny! As we were coming home, the weather was getting really bad. I was going to go to the movies this afternoon, but I think I will stay home and play with Papa. We can go see the movie tomorrow.
Skye: I didn't go to Judo today because I was so tired. Maman stayed at home with me and cooked - braised lamb shanks. I was very focused walking this morning. I would push the wagon to the kitchen, someone would help turn me around, and I would walk all the way back to the living room, and then do it over. Oh yeah, I put my Clifford the big red dog pillow on the seat and gave it a ride. Every few steps I would stop, take off the pillow, do my funny face and put it back on and keep going. Awesome fun. By the way, dinner tonight, lamb and curried cauliflower, was brilliant. I made lots of happy sounds while I was eating.
Friday, March 7, 2008
The Spiderweb

Skye: Decent nap this morning, although I was still pretty cranky. I think I am starting to go through separation anxiety. Man I don't like it when I can't see my Maman. Anyway, I played at the spiderweb too, but then I got bored. We stopped at the marché to pick up some food and that was way more interesting.
Thursday, March 6, 2008
A walk in the Vieux Port
Nevik: It was such a nice day that we went for a walk in the old port with Cathy (Thomas' Grandmaman) and Adam. We went to the river to see the ice and looked at all the boats moored on the Quay. We played in the snow, saw a train go by and had our snack in the sun. We took the métro there and back and by the end, I was pooped. I walked the whole way - probably close to 3 km, all though it felt like 100km.
Skye: I was pretty happy go lucky today. I enjoyed my walk in the fresh air.
Skye: I was pretty happy go lucky today. I enjoyed my walk in the fresh air.
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Nevi and M Proust's Madelenes

Nevik: Today I woke up and it was blowing snow and sleet and freezing rain and yuck! School was cancelled and we got to go to the movies instead. I chose Toupie and Binou. It started at 10h00 and we had to run to make the bus, but we got there before the movie started. I was so excited to go that I got myself dressed- snowpants, parka, boots and mitts. In the afternoon Maman and I made Madelenes - delicious on a snowy afternoon with blueberry tea!
Skye: The movie was a little boring. I liked crawling around on the floor and trying to pick up the lights in the floor. Being outside today was hard - it was so windy that it made it hard to breathe.
Skye: The movie was a little boring. I liked crawling around on the floor and trying to pick up the lights in the floor. Being outside today was hard - it was so windy that it made it hard to breathe.
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Cutie Skye

Nevik: Gymnastics - what a workout. I do the balance beam all by my self. On the trampoline, my Maman says that I jump like a wet noodle. After class, we went to Thomas' and Adams' to play. I played outside in the tunnel that Clément dug and had a great time. In the afternoon, we went to the ice rink in Kanawake and got to skate. We hat the whole rink to ourselves! Shooter lent me a support so I could go on the ice myself. I was most impressed with the green juice that the older kids were drinking - Maman called it gatorade. It looked amazing but my crabby Maman wouldn't let me have any.
Skye: I get to climb around at Gym and it is alot of fun. I sure would like to do some of those activities - the trampoline looks like the bomb! I don't remember much of the skating - I fell asleep. I was hungry that evening - when there is lots to do during the day, who wants to take time out to eat?
Monday, March 3, 2008
Nevik: The Festival International de Film pour Enfant de Montréal started this weekend, so we went to the cinema. We watched les Devinettes de Rainette. I liked them very much, and I laughed a lot. Then my friend Ella came over to play.
Skye: I fell asleep in the movies. I had fun at home playing with Nevi and Ella. It is fun to watch the older kids because they give me lots of good ideas of things to try.
Skye: I fell asleep in the movies. I had fun at home playing with Nevi and Ella. It is fun to watch the older kids because they give me lots of good ideas of things to try.
Sunday, March 2, 2008
At Weeah's and Lola's

Nevik: We played at Lola's and Olivia's this afternoon because Maman and Papa went to Ikea. It is fun at their house because they have a big playroom. We played outside in the snow, too. That evening we had dinner at Grandmaman's and Granpapa's and I fell asleep on the way home.
Skye: I liked playing with Lola and Olivia. There are lots of things to play with at their house. I didn"t have a very good nap, and I was pretty tired by dinner.
Skye: I liked playing with Lola and Olivia. There are lots of things to play with at their house. I didn"t have a very good nap, and I was pretty tired by dinner.
Saturday, March 1, 2008

Nevik: On Saturdays I have Judo practice in the morning. Maman, Papa, Skye and I all go. We take the metro. I do some of my practice on my own, and some with Papa. It is so much fun. We run around, play games like crocodile (the person who is it has to catch the others. 'it' is on his hands and knees and the others can only walk) and jump over the ropes (ropes on the mats that you have to jump over) and do judo moves. I am beat when I am done.
I put some pictures of the bulbs that Maman and I planted in January. The narcisse and one of the hyacinth are blooming. Aren't they pretty?
Skye: I got up at 5h30 today, all bright eyed and bushy tailed. It is a good thing that Papa is an early-morning kind of guy. Maman would find it very hard getting up at that time of day! I only had 2 mini naps today so I think that I will go to bed early. (I have been asleep since 15h15 - it is now 20h30 - will it last the night? Let's keep Maman and Papa guessing. Their theory has always been 'don't wake a sleeping baby'- stay tuned tomorrow to find out if it worked!)
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