Sunday, November 11, 2007

weekend fun

Nevik: We had a rock and roll weekend. It started with making cookies and brownies on Saturday, and then we brought them to the market to share with Jacques, Patrick and Diane. After we took the metro to Pointe St. Charles to attend my cousin Lola's baptism, which was in a big church and maman kept shushing me, but then, oh then, we got to go to my cousins house for the reception and play play play. They have a great playroom with lots and lots of toys. The best is that I got to stay up really really late. I loved it. On Sunday I felt fine, but my parents said I was a very tired boy, but what do they know anyway. We went for a walk in the woods at Mont St. Bruno. I had fun exploring a cave and playing in a tree.

I had a big huge nap on Saturday - 3 1/2 hours. It felt great. Then my parents made me stay up late with a bunch of people I didn't even know. Lame. I liked looking at the woods, but then I got tired so I had a nap. Sunday evening I felt quite rejuvenated so I stayed up extra late to keep my maman company. Must be all that fresh country air.

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