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Nevik: ah, Friday. School in the morning, lunch, a visit from Marc, playing Mastermind and Cribbage with Maman, baking choco nut yummies, watching a BBC documentary on volcanos, and playing in the bath. Great stuff.
Skye: I liked playing with the stuffed animals. I also had a good time with Nevi's t-rex. I ate a lot - apple slices, mackerel, rice, carrots, muffin, pasta, celeriac, arctic char and caribou. yum. I love to eat. It is so good. I am getting very good at cruising - next step, letting go.
Nevik: Maman took a blog- break, but now we are back! Today I didn't have school, so we went to Grandmaman's to play. Olivia and Lola were there too. We played with tinkertoys. Then we went sledding. Maman and I did some jumps - wheeeeeee!
Skye: I was in great shape today - I woke up at 5h15. I was having a great time with Papa in the morning. He gave me my favorite breakfast - blueberries, cereal flakes, and soy milk. Deelich! Playing with the cousins was fun, but I got mad when I had to have a nap - I know that they were doing something fun without me.

Nevik: Grandmaman came over today and played bionicle with me. We went over to her house after and played more bionicle. I like playing with bionicle - I take them apart and then put them back together again. And again. Maman says that it is my engineer genes.
Skye: I played with Papa in the morning, Grandmaman in the late morning and afternoon, and Maman at dinner. I ate lots of yummy stuff - sweet potato, pasta, chicken, broccoli, potato, puffs, soy milk and fruit. I love eating. I practiced my standing and even let go for a second.
Nevik: This morning Maman and I played bionicle. It is so much fun to take them apart and put them back together again. Uncle Eric found a great website that has all kinds of lego instruction booklets. We make all kinds of lego and bionicle stuff. We also went ice skating and had lunch with Alex and Talia. In the afternoon I played with Raphael and Guillaume.
Skye: When we went skating matante Peggy carried me on her back. It was fun seeing Maman from the front. I had a long nap in the afternoon.
Nevik: I went to Petits Pas vers l'École at Notre Dame de la Défence. It was my first day at my real school. I was very excited. The weather was terrible so I was the only one there! I still had fun looking at all the new things and playing with all the toys. Maman and Skye stayed and chatted with Joséanne, my teacher. She is the same teacher that I have at the Maisonette. I even got homework. I was so excited that I spent all day doing my homework and saying 'don't help me with my homework. I can do it myself.' It was amazing. Mononcmarc came over to play and first I showed him my homework. Then we played mummy and pirate. That is me painting Marc's face like a skull. Cool. I'm a pirate.
Skye: I went to school with Nevi and I thought that I was going to come home after and have my nap, but we stayed there. It was fun - I got to explore a new place. I was pretty tired so I had a power nap. I was crotchety after that, had another nap in the afternoon, was still crotchety and went to bed at 16h30.
Nevik: School again. Fun fun fun. Then we went to Grandmaman's house for the afternoon. I played legos all afternoon with her. More fun fun fun. We came home for dinner and I fell asleep in the car. I hate that.
Skye: I had my first day of bébé massage. Somebody forgot to tell the teacher that she scheduled it right during my morning nap. Not cool. So I fussed and then fell asleep. so there.

Nevik: I had gymnastics today, but I was out of sorts. Kind of out to lunch, you know. Then, I fell on the escalator and hurt my knee. Now I have a bruise. When we got home, my favorite person in the whole wide world was there - Grandmaman! And she played with me the whole day, and stayed for dinner, and helped with my bath, and read me stories, and slept over. Well, not that last part, although I would have liked it very much.
Skye: I ate chocolate pudding and I thought it was awesome. I also had a 3 hour nap in the afternoon which my maman thought was awesome. I played with Grandmaman, too. I crawled around and messed up her puzzles. It was fun.
Nevik: What a cool day. I did so many great things with all my friends, I didn't want it to end. In the morning I went sledding with Alex, Ella, Matéo and Oceanne. Good start to the day. Then we had lunch at Ella's and played with her toys. Even better. Then we dropped Alex off and Koffi and Zao were playing outside. I played with them and we dug up treasures and diamonds out of the snow. Then we had cookies and hot chocolate. Best. Then Maman went shopping with matante Peggy so I got to go play inside Koffi, Zao and Loa's house. Wicked. I played with the castle. Then, after I thought that it couldn't get any better, we had dinner at Alex' house. Awesome. I was in heaven.
Skye: We did alot of running around today. The naps weren't that great. I did have fun. I got to suck a banana right out of the peel - so cool. I got to eat wild mushroom risotto which I liked very much. Oh my, you should have seen the glorious mess! Maman says that in all the excitement of the day, the camera battery was dead so they are no pics to document this wonderful day.

Nevik: We went bowling with all the mononcles and matantes Poulain. That's Papa's aunts and uncles. I had a great time. I got 2 strikes! Then we went to Sylvie's for Vietnamese. Yum.
Skye: Bowling was lame. I would have much rather napped. I did get lots of attention, mainly because I am cute.
Nevik: School again! With Zoothérapie! Dominique brought a dog with her and we played with it and walked it around the school. We didn't go outside with it because it was too nasty. After school Mononcjoel came over to play. We did face painting - I painted Joel's face like a green space monster. For dinner I made lasagna with Maman - Yum!
Skye: I fell asleep on the way to Nevi's school today, and when I woke up we were walking around Mile End, so I had a nice nap in the carrier. I, too got to play with Joel but I was way more interested in Beans the dog. I liked him so much that I shared half my bagel with him. I had a big nap this afternoon and ate a whole bunch of lasagna for dinner - by-my-self, of course.